This blog is so that I can put together what memories of I have of my prolonged hobby of higher education. However, with packing and moving over the years, I have lost some of the material that would make this more interesting for me. I have made a point of finding out more about lecturers with whom I had little contact, but in this case I can’t find who they were and memory fails me. Considering that this was a course run in semester two 2005, it is remarkable that ACU has erased all memory of it from their site. This is a pity, as this was a very well presented course that was very useful to my outlook on the Church. It also meant that later on when I did my Grad Cert in Liturgy, I only needed three units and so was the first ever graduate from that course. It was assessed with a single assignment of 4000 words worth 90%, so I assume the other 10% was from participation in the discussion board.
The modules were:
Sacrament as symbol
Jesus as sacrament of encounter
Church as sacramental symbol
History of the Sacraments
Church teaching on the sacraments
Sacraments of Initiation (2 modules)
The Eucharist
There were exercises for each module with prompts for a discussion board. This was still the era of online study without online tutorials, so recourse was had to recommended readings and the discussion board.
I found a few responses for the discussion board that I kept.