September 13

EN425 Renaissance Poetry and Prose

The dust in my life had settled enough to consider study again in 1996 after a long break.

As usual I had no idea how privileged we were to have Lloyd Davis as our lecturer. I can’t say I remember much about him except he helped with a slog through some pretty dense material.

I was sad to learn as I did my usual search for the further career of my lecturers to see he had a stellar career cut short by death in his forties.  He can’t have been much older than me and he won Humanities teacher of the year the year he taught me.

This eulogy tells the tale of his achievements. He is remembered by the Lloyd Davis Memorial Fellowship.

This course included some Medieval texts as well.  He started with Gower and continued through Henryson, Spencer and Milton. It made sense to dodge Chaucer since he was covered in other courses and Gower and Henryson were not emphasised in other places.

My notes say there was a seminar we had to prepare and then submit as written work along with a research essay. I don’t remember giving a seminar but I suppose I must have.

He gave us a thick subject reader and assistance getting into the mindset of the era.


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Posted September 13, 2018 by Geoffrey Madden in category "Uncategorized

About the Author

Dr Geoffrey Madden MBBS BA PGDipArts MA (Theol) GCTS(Liturgy)