Critique of a Thesis Proposal
The first assignment was an ungraded proof reading exercise that was to teach how to properly mark up a text when editing.
The first graded task, however, was a critique of a thesis proposal. We were given a thesis topic and asked to look at its feasibility. We were to gauge the suitability of the scope to justify a 15000 word dissertation, the potential to develop a structured argument, the available of resources and how one might go about the necessary research. We were also to comment the merits of the thesis proposal and its potential problems.
We were given a thesis topic “Romanticism and the Early European Perception of Australia”, with a three paragraph proposal.
The obvious intention was to get us thinking critically about our own potential dissertations.
It was marked with a few ticks, some constructive criticism and an 8½/10.
There was an immediate improvement in presentation using a real computer and MS Word. I much preferred the early versions of Word to the current model.