RE113 Christian Thought to Wycliffe
I did this subject in second semester 1991 and it was the last external subject I did in my BA at UQ. I can’t remember when the news came that the federal government was reforming external studies and only some universities would continue to provide that form of study. After this subject I had only 4 units left to get a BA and it seemed unfair that UQ would not be one of the universities continuing with external studies. These days nearly everything is available online, but in the pre-internet days I suppose it was hard to justify the expense. I would have to find away to finish my degree internally.
Rev Dr Ian Gillman took this course and though I didn’t meet him until the following year as an internal student, it was obvious that he was an absolute gem of a man. He had been head of the Department for Studies in Religion but I think he was nearing retirement when he took this course so I am not sure if he was in charge at the time.
I have his book “Many Faith’s One Nation” that I picked up years later. He died in 2005 aged 78 years – see his obituary.
This covers Christian thought to just before the Reformation and External Studies provided the usual excellent lecture notes and course readings.
It was assessed by two assignments and an examination. I note there were study groups offered but I did not take up the offer, nor do I recall attending the vacation school. I find it impressive how much was covered and how little I recall.